The Emperor's Arrow is out!
I've been grinning no-stop since this morning! It's been amazing, especially to see people's reviews! I'm excited to hear what everyone...
1 Day Left! And the contest winner!
Sorry for the sudden break in countdown posts. I chose a very poor time to get sick (-_-); On a happier note, I've announced the winner...
4 Days! And hard copies!
Super excited! I received five hard copies from Carina today! I can't tell you how amazing it is to have actual physical copies of my...
5 Days Left! And a Deleted Scene
As I continue to bounce in excitement as Monday gets closer and closer, I thought I'd share with you a scene from the first draft of The...
6 Days! And a favourite scene
One of my favourite scenes was one actually added in later after advice from the amazing Angela. Anyone who read the earliest draft of...
1 Week Until Arrow is Released!
This is it! Just one week until The Emperor's Arrow is available! I'm losing my mind, I swear. On the plus side I have a lot of things...
2 Weeks! And Book Blogs
I'm pretty much vibrating over here as we get closer to release day. Adding to the excitement is that The Emperor's Arrow has been...