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Getting Hitched

So, as promised, here's my post about the wedding. Me and Curtis got married on September 17th of this year. Well, technically, in the eyes of the government, we got married some time when in August when we went to City Hall (We found out my brother's five minute internet ordainment was apparently not legal in our province. Go figure). It was a lot of fun even though it rained during our super short ceremony. Which was eight minutes. Several people timed it, so we know.

I was up and getting ready by 8am while Curtis got up shortly after. I went over to my parents' house while he stayed at ours. Or he was going to, but his friends kidnapped him, blindfolded him, and walked him off a dock. Then they came over and got ready.

We had fantastic photographers from Ottawa's Kandid Photography who followed us around and got pictures of the insanity that is us. I got a ride from my parents' house to my grandma's house (where the ceremony was) in my grandfather's baby of a car. It's an old red convertible and we were lucky enough the rain held off until we got there.

As I said above, it was a super short ceremony. Neither of us likes being the centre of attention, so we wanted it as quick as possible. We chose our own music. Which included a violin version of the Halo theme, a cello version of I'll Make a Man Out Of You, and a piano version of the Gravity Falls theme. Yes, we're giant nerds.

After that, people hopped int he party busses and we drove up to Merrickville where our reception was. Dinner was amazing, and the alcohol was already flowing by the time we arrived. Instead of tinging glasses, which I find super obnoxious personally, I arranged for different feats. People could choose a feat of strength or a feat of wit, and if they failed, we got to choose who they kissed. But if they succeeded, we'd kiss. Everyone seemed to have a lot of fun with that.

We tried to avoid a first dance by doing the Macarena, but my maid of honour and his best man had other ideas. Luckily it was a short song (the Gravity Falls theme again as it's basically the theme of our relationship) and we had both had enough alcohol to not care so much.

Overall, it was a great night. We had a ton of fun and got to see most of our family and friends and just have a giant party. Which is all I wanted at my wedding. And the best part of it, for both of us, is that we never, ever have to do it again.

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